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Parent counseling


With its birth, a child turns two adults into parents. It is the child that shapes the parents.

Whether we want to admit it or no, we all have the tendency to repeat what we experienced as children, without even realizing it.

Sometimes, it strikes as clear as lightning when we catch ourselves saying the same remarks our parents did: “Hurry up!”, “Be strong!”, “Bring me joy!”, or “Be like this or that…!”.
Everyone honestly dreams of being the best parent. However, the point is to be “good enough”, not the best. What does this really mean? What does it take?

In our sessions we try to decode the child’s behavior and find the most suitable way in which to deal with it. Acknowledging that the child is often a symptom of his/her parents, is already the first step towards better, more responsible parenting. We are not born parents. We become them all thanks to our children.

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